Diana Hope

255 Articles

Blockchain For Gaming May Rebuild Trust In The UK Video Game Industry

The United Kingdom’s video game industry has been stagnant for the past…

Diana Hope Diana Hope 6 Min Read

5 Steps To Launching eCommerce Stores That Are Ready For Big Data

Big data is playing a more important role in the future of…

Diana Hope Diana Hope 8 Min Read

3 Companies That Highlight The Power Of Crowdfunding For VR

The power of virtual reality is evident, and its benefits plentiful. Facebook…

Diana Hope Diana Hope 6 Min Read

The Surprising Impact of Big Data in Legal Professions

I have been to countless big data conferences over the past few…

Diana Hope Diana Hope 6 Min Read

Big Data Is Making Its Mark On Trade Show Marketing

Trade shows and other events have been central to many brands marketing…

Diana Hope Diana Hope 6 Min Read

Gaming Industry Changes: How MMO AI Overhaul Can Shape The Future

Artificial intelligence has been the backbone of the gaming industry since the…

Diana Hope Diana Hope 5 Min Read

Here’s How The UK Government Is Using Big Data For Tax Collection

Governments around the world are stepping up their use of big data for…

Diana Hope Diana Hope 6 Min Read

Big Data Is More Prevalent in Daily Life Than You Might Think

According to Forbes magazine, “Two-and-a-half quintillion bytes of data are created daily.” Do…

Diana Hope Diana Hope 5 Min Read