Artificial Intelligence (AI) is taking the internet world by storm. You can see proof of this with all the talk in forums and all the articles being published pertaining to the latest trend in the digital world.
Personalization has been another hot topic within digital marketing. However, with so many things to do with managing your online store and getting your work-life balance straight, it can get overwhelming.
AI has been applied to various industries and has improved functionality and enhanced efficiency. What does AI have to offer for the future in web designing? Can AI solve the personalization issue that web designers can’t keep up with?
AI Lends a Helping Virtual Hand
You might notice that AI is actually all over the place already. From chatbots to virtual assistants, AI is being utilized to make everyday life easier. Google’s RankBrain is also a working AI that is in charge of providing searchers with relevant and quality results for their queries.
Virtual assistants such as Siri and Cortana help users to process their inquiries on the internet via voice. They can also perform simple tasks such as play music or set an alarm on their devices. Home assistants such as Google Home and Amazon Echo provide users the ease of simple activation of appliances in the house.
Whether you like it or not, AI is slowly but surely incorporating itself in people’s daily living.
Employing AI in Web Design
AI is present in medical and healthcare. It is also working behind the scenes of SEO. You may not know, but AI is already making its way to web designing.
Here are a few examples where AI is already implemented to function in web design.

The digital world is becoming more and more in demand nowadays. This is why it is essential for people to have a connection to the internet. For business owners and marketers, it is vital for them to have their own websites.
However, years ago, there were no website builders and one still had to have the knowledge on how to code. This is still true in current website builders which still require a bit more of coding when it comes to website optimization or beautification.
TheGrid is an AI-powered website designer that automatically decides your website’s layout, color scheme, and layout. TheGrid’s AI, Molly, is the one optimizing, arranging and designing your website according to your theme, preference, and content.

Another example of an easy-to-build website is Wix ADI. Wix and TheGrid’s role is to make it easy for people to create their websites minus the difficult coding and technicalities. This makes it easier for users who have no coding experience or knowledge to build and manage their own websites.
By just placing in your preferences and the program automatically does all the formatting and designing for you. However, despite having AI to power their software, users still think that both Wix and TheGrid haven’t fulfilled their expectations.
Users are still waiting for the moment where AIs in both programs function on a more extensive role than just enhancing their already easy auto-generated websites.

Firedrop is another AI-powered website builder which also incorporates Machine Learning. Their AI assistant and brains behind their program, Sacha, manages and designs users websites. They feature her ability to automatically design your website without the usual drag-drop and coding methods.
Unlike Molly and Wix’s ADI, Sacha is portrayed as a chatbot that helps users with their way around building their website. By interacting with the user and asking pertinent questions which regards to what the user prefers and provides suggestions and recommendations for their website.
However, just like Molly and Wix’s ADI, Sacha is dependent on human input for them to generate the websites that you needed. Even though they are not yet functioning at optimal states, they still make work for website designers much easier no matter their knowledge.
Adobe Sensei

Adobe Sensei is an AI and machine learning framework that is powering Adobe tools. Adobe Sensei in Adobe tools gives users more options for them to manage and work on their files. For example, Adobe’s Photoshop Creative Cloud and Photoshop Fix.
You can see the AI in action through Face-Aware Liquify. The AI’s face recognition enables users to select and edit facial features for further image enhancement. Additionally, Adobe Sensei can also transform low-quality selfies by integrating effects
By applying AI in various Adobe platforms, designers and media makers will be able to utilize Adobe tools more efficiently and effectively.
AI for Web Designers: Friend or Foe?
It is also no secret that AI is provoking fear from people especially with the thought that they will be replacing human workers. However, that may not be the case.

Today’s AIs heavily rely on humans to train and teach them on what to do. AIs may be able to draw or design a cat, however, they lack the understanding of what that is. A perfect example of this is Google’s AI experiment in Quick, Draw. The AI is basing its guess on the past input on how other people had created a particular word.
Additionally, you might also notice that despite the technology-driven world we are in, most people still value the human touch. Even though AIs can make work through automation easier, human input is still essential.
We still have a long way to go when we are talking about AI taking over most of the jobs that humans usually carry out. Therefore, it is safe to say that human jobs are safe from the AIs. And if AIs are capable enough to take over those jobs, they will have a way for new careers.
AI’s are becoming their next best friend and making their jobs faster and more manageable. This will enable to have more time to deal with more complicated task rather than having to work on a tedious start.
The Change AI Offers in Web Design Future
The future is not known to each and every one of us. However, that doesn’t mean that every breakthrough and new tech implemented in the industries are bad or a threat to human beings.
There are many things that AI can offer in different industries all over the world. In web design, based on how the current AIs are functioning in designing a website, can give designers more such as:
- Do tedious task and skipping on making a website from scratch
- Analyze content and user preference to personalize website to individuals easier
- Assist professional and beginner web designers alike in projects
- Enable the average joe to manage their own website without problems
For a person to evolve, they have to embrace and accept change in order to move on. AI is one essential part of the change and is one of the doorways to the future. Instead of worrying what it may pose in the future, you have to focus on the now and embrace the change that they represent.
The Grid, Wix, Firedrop, and Adobe are only a few to embrace AI in website design, but get ready for this tool to become an industry standard before you know it.