Sean Mallon

Sean is a freelance writer and big data expert with a passion for exploring the depths of information that can be extracted from massive datasets. With years of experience in the field, he has developed a deep understanding of how data can be harnessed to drive insights and make informed decisions.
331 Articles

Big Data Proliferation and the Growth of Robotic Process Automation Certification

The field of robotics predates big data by at least 40 years.…

Sean Mallon Sean Mallon 5 Min Read

Can HR Professionals Use Big Data After the GDPR?

The Global Data Protective Requirements (GDPR) went into effect this month. The…

Sean Mallon Sean Mallon 5 Min Read

Integrating Cybersecurity Responses into Your Customer Service Approach

  A couple of years ago, Sabrina Sdao of the World Economic…

Sean Mallon Sean Mallon 5 Min Read

Admissibility of Big Data is Changing Tactics in Criminal Court Cases

Most discussions around big data have focused on commercial benefits. Both small…

Sean Mallon Sean Mallon 5 Min Read

Can Big Data Help Your Business Get Funding?

Think about all the information flowing between your business and your customers…

Sean Mallon Sean Mallon 4 Min Read

How Tax Authorities May Use Big Data for Audits

The IRS and state tax authorities are always trying to maximize collections…

Sean Mallon Sean Mallon 5 Min Read