Experts Debate The Cost Of Big Data Web Application Development

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Shutterstock Licensed Photo - By elenabsl

Big data is changing the nature of web application development. You will find a number of big data experts emphasizing some of the many ways that big data has changed the profession.

Many of the experts that discuss the importance of big data in web application development are based in the United States. However, there are a lot of big data professionals in European countries, such as Ireland, that are making the same predictions. Jordan Hussain of Irish Tech News has listed some of the reasons big data is making web application programming more efficient and cost-effective.

There are a lot of factors that affect web application development and the role big data plays in it. You have to take into consideration the time frames, the number of features, an engineering approach, and the country where the development team is based. During the initial stage of the process, it is quite difficult to answer the question “how much does it cost to build a web application.” In this article, we are going to take a look at web application price, estimate all the complexities, consider the main stages and approaches in order to figure out the price. Also, you will discover some big data and machine learning tips that will help reduce costs in case your web app becomes too expensive.

The Main Factors Affecting Web Application Pricing in the Big Data Age

When professional web developers just hear about your web app idea, they can’t give a final quote right away. Let’s evaluate some of the factors that influence web app development price and how big data comes into play.

1. Scope of Work

The functionality of your web app is the primary thing that influences the cost. The price will differ whether you want to create an online store, a single page app, or a unique system, such as hotel management software. Do you plan to do a standalone web solution or a payment system? Would you like to upgrade an app with GPS navigation? A web application with APIs, hosting, database, and mobile compatibility takes much more time to develop and that is why it costs more. Also, you should consider the quality of coding. You have to engage a team of experts who respect the deadline and have enough time for writing clear and high-quality code. It is the only way to avoid bugs and imperfections.

2. UI/UX Design Complexity

People who want to get custom UI/UX design services should be ready to pay extra money. The final price will depend on the complexity, the number of elements, special effects, or animations that the project requires. Fortunately, big data has simplified the process of developing these features. Make sure that the interface of your app looks creative, eye-pleasant, intuitive, and user-friendly too. A designer needs time to bring all that to life. The performance of each part of the web app should be polished and smooth. If you want to save money, you can find tons of pre-made design templates. However, you can forget about uniqueness, which is essential for custom products. Never put at risk your brand’s reputation and recognition. If you do not stand out, no one will ever notice you and your services.

3. A Niche You Work In

The price depends on the project’s specifics. For example, if you plan to create a simple online shop or blog, the pricing for web app development will not be high because such projects are easier to build than advanced AI-powered solutions… The situation is completely different from creating complex web apps. It is simply impossible to accomplish complex projects without experienced professional developers. Such experts are of most value in the world of web development and the price for their services is higher than average.

4. A Location Of A Web App Developers

The price of web app development differs from one country to another. If you deal with such countries as the USA, Canada, or Australia, you should be ready to pay $80 – $250 per hour of web app development. It is the highest rate you can find. Speaking about the UK, you can find companies that provide web app services for $50-99 per hour. If you want to save money, consider Eastern Europe where the prices are twice as low like $20-50 per hour in Ukraine or Belarus. They can use sophisticated big data tools to streamline the design, while also charging less than their American counterparts.

How To Cut Web App Development Cost?

You have already set all the project requirements. Your estimations are behind. However, the cost for the web app development is still too high to afford. What can you do in such a situation?

Do not rush to search for a new web app developer who charges less. You risk getting the final product with poor quality. If the price for building a web app is too low, it is not a good sign. You should choose a professional web developer you are ready to trust to and consider the following options to cut the cost.

There are several possible options for your limited budget:

Changing the scope

You have to leave the core parts of your future web application. The goal is to build a product that is able to deliver an MVP (minimum viable product). You will still be able to deal with real clients, collect feedback and in the future apply more advanced implementations as soon as you have the budget for it.

Find alternative solutions

It is always possible to find substitutes which cost less. You have to estimate app’s features and find the way to save costs without harming the final product. We recommend you to deal with reliable companies which offer professional services, even if you work on short-term products which are not longer than 3 – 5 months. Make sure that you can specify the scope of work in advance. If your budget is limited, you should avoid web projects that ask for in-depth research and development.

Try offshore web app development

If you are interested in budget savings, offshore web development services will work great for you. However, you should not be obsessed to find a too low price. Think twice before ordering such services. Many people get attracted by low prices for web application development but very soon get disappointed. You have to discuss how many specialists will be involved in your project, their professional qualification, etc. Make sure that both parties understand the scope of work correctly. Remember about the risk to pay even more money for further improvements and bug-fixing issues.

When you order a web app development services, make sure the entire process goes through the following stages:

  • Planning
  • Design
  • Development
  • Testing
  • Deployment

This is how experts work in the web development business. Stay connected to your project manager who is supposed to coordinate the entire workflow, find the skilled team of web developers and designers to launch your project and demonstrate stunning results!

Big Data Makes the Web Application Development Process More Reliable and Affordable

Big data is very important for web application programmers. You need to find a development team that uses state-of-the-art big data and machine learning technology to get the most value for your project.

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