Below are the guidelines for readers of this site and for content contributors. These guidelines are not to be confused with our binding terms of use.
We reserve the right to alter these guidelines from time to time as we deem necessary.
Opinions expressed on this website and in any corresponding comments are the personal opinions of the original authors, not of Industry Dive. The content is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to be an endorsement or representation by Industry Dive or any other party.
This site is available to the public. No information you consider confidential should be posted to this site. By posting you agree to be solely responsible for the content of all information you contribute, link to, or otherwise upload to the website.
Content Contributors
We publish user contributed content in the form of blog posts and comments. By providing blog posts either via RSS feed or directly on the site, comments or other content to the site, contributors agree to the following conditions of use.
- By contributing content, whether blog posts contributed via RSS, blog posts written directly on the site, or comments, the contributor agrees to give Industry Dive a perpetual, non-exclusive copyright to the content.
- We reserve the right to not publish contributed content at our discretion.
- We will always properly attribute all content in it’s full form or when excerpted at length (according to the guidelines of fair use) to the author
- We reserve the right to syndicate all contributed content in summary form via RSS to third parties
- All contributed content may contain the author’s byline, a very brief biography of the author, and, in the case of material provided to us via RSS from the author’s own blog, a link back to the original post in the footer of the full post
- Contributing authors are solely responsible for the originality and accuracy of their submissions
- We reserve the right to remove any sharing links or advertising accompanying contributed posts
- We reserve the right to set fonts and styles, adjust image alignments, and otherwise alter post layout to insure that posts comply with our global site styling
- From time to time, we may need to display summary versions of contributed content. In such cases, we may edit posts in summary form. Such summaries will always contain a link to the full and unaltered post. In such circumstances, we will always strive to preserve the original meaning and intent of the content.
- We reserve the right to edit post headlines for clarity or search engine optimization (keyword inclusion).
- We reserve the right to make corrections for spelling and grammar
- Industry Dive’s communities are intended to enable lively but civil interaction. Use of language that is abusive, off-topic, uses excessive foul language, or includes ad hominem attacks will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to determine what constitutes inappropriate behavior and to bar offenders at its sole discretion.
- Unless expressly permitted, you may not publish or reproduce the content that appears on any part of this site.
- The opinions expressed by users and content authors on this site are theirs alone, and not those of Industry Dive.
- We reserve the right to block or remove postings or communications at any time at our sole discretion.
- Some links on this site may link to third-party sites. Industry Dive is not responsible for the content on those sites.