Subhankar Bhattacharjee

Subhankar Bhattacharjee is the founder and author of, a young site but is already a market leader in its field. Each article he writes is well-researched and expertly crafted, resulting in a piece of authoritative, quality content. As a result, he is gaining a reputation for being a thought-leader of his generation.
7 Articles

3 Ways Big Data And Business Intelligence Can Improve Your Business

Enterprises collect an unprecedented volume of data about their consumers, sales, and…

Big Data Offers Remarkable Valuation Tools for Cryptocurrency Speculators

Bitcoin Investors Need to use Big Data Analysis. In the last few…

The Impact of Big Data and Business Intelligence on Financial Trading Market

Being able to predict what happens within the financial trading market and…

Harnessing the Power of Big Data, Machine Learning, & Predictive Analytics

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke…

Big Data, Data Mining and Machine Learning: Deriving Value for Business

"Hiding within those mounds of data is knowledge that could change... the…