Analytics in Malaysia: News and Interviews from the SAP Analytics Tour

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The second leg of the SAP Analytics Innovation Tour of Asia and ANZ took place yesterday in Kuala Lumpur. Again, more people came than were expected – to the extent that we had to take down one of the dividing walls of the room in order to accommodate more chairs!

Regional Analytic Evangelist for SAP, Robin Fong, gave the opening welcome. I presented roughly the same keynote as the previous session in Manila.

Then Charles Gadalla did a presentation about the new opportunities for predictive analytics inside organizations, with a thorough demo of the new SAP Predictive Analysis product.

And after lunch with customers, I sat down with Charles to get a summary of his presentation, and what kinds of questions he gets from audiences:

I also took the opportunity after the event to ask Robin Fong about what is unique and different about Analytics in Malaysia and across the South-East Asia region:


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