Big Data and the Psychologists’ Role on the Analytical Team

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Collecting data and putting it to use is more common than ever with the rise in popularity of the internet. Understanding how big data impacts future campaigns is possible by getting to know more about the psychologists’ role on any analytics team. Thinking as a psychologist and knowing how to put data to work for you in the right way is essential to truly get to know more about your followers and the potential customers who have a genuine interest in your brand.

In fact, the APA has recognized big data psychologists as one of the hottest opportunities for psychologists that want to get out from a stuffy office and change the world. When a bad decision could cost millions of dollars, companies are more than willing to fork over consultancy fees in order to bring in the expertise they need to outmaneuver the competition.

Learning the Basics of an Audience

Understanding the basic interests and details of an audience is essential when learning about the psychology of your followers and loyal customers. Knowing the ages, income levels, and the location of your biggest group of followers provides great insight into the lives and experiences of those who are interested in your brand and what you have to say or sell.

Shopping Times and Seasons

Tracking shopping times and seasons is another important factor to keep in mind when getting to know more about the psychology of putting data to use. Because people do not tend to live in a “black and white” reality, understanding why specific shopping times draw more attention and which seasons promote more sales for your brand is imperative to craft future marketing campaigns that have an even greater effect.

It’s also important to understand how shopping seasons intersect with the lifestyles of your shoppers. Are they shopping for a family? Are they part of a large family or a single-parent household? All of these metrics can help you understand the type of offer that will be most relevant to your customer. And by speaking to their mindset, you can turn numbers into effective tugs at emotional spending triggers.

Impulsive Versus Cautious Consumers

Knowing whether or not your consumers live cautiously or prefer impulse shopping is another component to keep in mind when you are promoting your brand and looking to expand your presence both online and locally. The psychology of your consumers is extremely important as it provides you with the knowledge necessary in order to share promotions and advertisements that are most likely to generate leads while increasing the number of sales you are capable of making.

Emotional Shoppers

Learning how to identify if you have emotional shoppers browsing your site or shopping from your company is also ideal because it helps to determine the best strategy for new advertising and marketing campaigns. If you are able to tap into the emotions of specific audience segments and isolate them demographically, you’ll drastically increase your conversion rate while generating more leads and overall sales.

Bargain Shoppers

Putting psychology to work for you is also possible when you begin tracking data for each individual campaign you launch. This impacts sales, promotions, and exclusive discounts. Combining the data you collect with a complete understanding of consumer psychology is optimal when creating new ads and marketing campaigns. Especially if they are designed to appeal to bargain and discount shoppers. Track the behavior of your bargain shoppers over a period of time to learn more about which calls to action work. You’ll uncover the most effective placement of your ads, and even the type of copy that resonates most with loyal followers and consumers who have purchased from you in the past.

Having a clear understanding of the role psychologists can play when analyzing data is a way for you to develop campaigns that resonate and relate to your target audience on a more personal level. Using data to your advantage with regards to the psychology of your shoppers allows you to learn more about which times work best for sales, promotions, and the sharing of new products or services. This leads to improved relationships with your followers and loyal customers for years to come.

And at the end of the day, shouldn’t consumers feel like they are part of your extended family? A sense of belonging, even if they don’t understand where it comes from, will lead to a lifelong consumer relationship – all thanks to big data and psychology.

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