Linux VPS Management Skills for Data Scientists

Every data scientist should understand how to use a Linux VPS.

11 Min Read

We have talked a lot about the growing demand for data scientists. While it is a very lucrative career, it is also very competitive.

Data scientists need to be proficient in a number of different technologies if they want to be successful. One technology they may benefit from learning is Linux.

Github talks about some of the benefits of using Linux as a data scientist. They point out that all data scientists should have Ubuntu Linux servers with at least 1 GB of RAM.

There are many important reasons to consider using Linux as a data scientist. Emre Cintay has a great article in Medium talking about the reasons to invest in it.

There are a lot of things that you need to know if you are using Linux for the first time. One thing that you need to learn is how to use a Linux VPS.

Every Data Scientist Needs to Know How Linux VPS Work

In today’s world, Linux VPS, thanks to features like more control, flexibility, improved performance, and security benefits, has become one of the popular hosting options that meets various needs. Moreover, Linux is an excellent option for a wide range of budgets and offers a good balance between cost and functionality, which is why it is a suitable choice for everyone.

On the other hand, managing Linux VPS requires a combination of technical skills and practical knowledge, which we will discuss here.

Necessary skills for efficient Linux VPS management

Regular monitoring and maintenance of Linux servers are vital indicators to ensure optimal performance, security, and troubleshooting of operational issues. Therefore, to become a skilled Linux server administrator, you must be an expert in the following core abilities:

Command Line Expertise:

Linux has a powerful command line interface, which is valuable to optimize Linux system management. So, proficiency in using the command line interface (CLI) is essential for server administration tasks. This includes knowledge of Linux fundamentals such as root permissions, file management, file system navigation, user management, permissions management, process management, package management, Linux shell scripting and more.

Networking Fundamentals:

It is important to understand basic network concepts such as IP addressing, routing, firewalls, DNS configuration, network interface configuration, and network troubleshooting for server communication.


Even if you use managed services, security is an important issue that you should actively engage in increasing.

Therefore, having skills in regularly implementing security measures to secure your server and data is essential. These skills include controlling server access, managing user permissions, setting up firewalls, configuring security features, configuring secure remote access (SSH), and implementing security updates.

Monitoring and Logging:

Monitoring is a key indicator in assessing server performance and troubleshooting potential server issues. Therefore, you should have basic skills in monitoring, setting up monitoring tools, and configuring logging to monitor the system.

Backup and Recovery:

Understanding backup importance, implementing backup solutions, and restoring the system from the backup are crucial skills you should have to protect your server and data from loss in case of failure.

Storage Management:

If you want to manage the Linux VPS, you should be an expert in storage management and know the essential management techniques for efficient resource utilization.

Troubleshooting Skills:

Error and issues can occur in all technologies; as a Linux server administrator, you must have technical knowledge in fixing hardware and software issues.

Additionally, the ability to diagnose issues and understand system reports and error messages is another skill that Linux server administrators must master to quickly resolve potential problems.

Additional Valuable Skills:

As the Linux server administrator, you must master Virtualization and Containers, Database administration, version control, CI/CD, high availability, backup and disaster recovery, and cloud technologies.

Staying updated and continuously learning is the best practice for effectively managing Linux servers.

Is it hard to manage Linux VPS?

The ease of use of Linux VPS depends on your familiarity with Linux OS and technical skills.

Managing Linux VPS is straightforward for experienced Linux users, but for beginners, it may be challenging due to a lack of experience with command-line interfaces.

If you strengthen the skills mentioned earlier, using and managing Linux VPS will be simple and efficient for all users.

Overall, Linux servers may have a steeper learning curve compared to some other operating systems, but learning basic command-line operations, using comprehensive documentation, using web-based management tools, and using automation tools can influence the ease of use of a Linux server.

On the other hand, Linux VPS offers unbelievable flexibility, stability, and powerful features, which you can benefit from its full potential by becoming proficient in managing Linux servers.

How can I maintain Linux VPS optimally?

Optimally maintaining Linux VPS involves regular monitoring, security measures, and timely intervention to fix issues. You should create a server maintenance plan and perform your monitoring and managing tasks based on your schedule. Here is a guide on how to maintain a Linux server effectively:

  • Regular Updates
  • Implementing security hardening
  • Regularly service monitoring
  • Anti-spam and anti-malware configuration
  •  Setting up regular backups of critical data
  •  Regularly analyzing logs
  • Monitoring server resource usage and ensuring efficient resource utilization
  • Developing and testing a disaster recovery plan
  • Conduct periodic security audits
  • Training and developing skills to continuously improve and perform maintenance tasks effectively

Top popular Linux VPS management tools

Following management tools effects on increasing efficiency and optimizing Linux server performance:

Web hosting control panels (cPanel, Webmin, DirectAdmin):

cPanel, Webmin, and DirectAdmin are top management tools for a Linux VPS that simplify server administration tasks through their user-friendly web-based interface and extensive server management features.

Automation tool (Ansible):

Ansible is a valuable automation tool for automating repetitive tasks, configuring servers, managing infrastructure as code, and deploying applications.

Monitoring tools (Nagios, Zabbix, Monit, or Prometheus):

Nagios, Zabbix, Monit, or Prometheus are popular monitoring tools for Linux server that allows administrators to monitor the health, performance, and integrity of servers, network devices, and services through alerting and notification features and a web-based interface for configuring monitoring parameters.

What is rdp?

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) and Virtual Private Network (VPN) are two regularly utilized technologies that cloud-based employees use for remote access, whether you’re working from home, viewing personal data, or connecting to a company’s network. Both Cheap RDP and VPN services have unique features and functions, but which is best suited to your remote access requirements? In this essay, we will compare and contrast Cheap RDP and VPN to help you make an educated selection for your cloud-based organization.

Configuration management tool (Puppet and Chef):

Puppet and Chef are popular configuration management tools that are used for automating the provisioning, configuration, and management of servers and infrastructure.

Remote configuration management tool (SaltStack):

SaltStack is a powerful remote configuration management tool that is useful to manage and orchestrate infrastructure. This tool allows you to run commands and manage packages and server configuration.

Log management solutions (ELK stack):

ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) is a good tool for collecting log aggregation and analysis.

Choosing the best Linux VPS for your needs

Choosing a reliable Linux VPS provider is a key factor in benefiting an efficient Linux server. If you want to benefit from a high-speed and efficient Linux server equipped with top-notch infrastructure, with a 99.9% uptime in over 20 locations worldwide at an affordable price for your purposes, OperaVPS is the best choice.

OperaVPS, by granting full root access, allows you to manage and configure Linux servers according to your needs. Therefore, with your current knowledge, you can optimally manage your server according to your needs and have no restrictions in this regard.

On the other hand, OperaVPS facilitates Linux server management by providing cPanel. Moreover, the expert and responsive support team of OperaVPS is always available via live chat, ticket system, and email to answer your questions and resolve your issues, assisting you on your path to achieving your goals.

In addition, operaVPS relieves you of managing security features by implementing security measures such as firewalls, DDOS protection, and other security features.

OperaVPS efficient and fast Linux servers leave no room for operation optimization configurations. With OperaVPS Linux servers, you won’t experience challenges such as downtime, failure, or delays. Therefore, without a doubt, visit the OperaVPS website and guarantee the future success of your project by purchasing Cheap Linux virtual server hosting.


Linux server is efficient and ideal for any purpose due to its flexibility, performance, security, and customization options it provides. Managing a Linux server may be a bit challenging for users new to Linux, but with powerful Linux server management tools and mastering the necessary skills, you can easily and effectively manage a Linux server.

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