3 Technologies That Are Changing How Business Continuity Is Handled

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As new technologies emerge, we have to adapt the way that we handle our business continuity processes to accommodate these changing technologies.

As new technologies emerge, we have to adapt the way that we handle our business continuity processes to accommodate these changing technologies. Each new development presents new challenges in planning, testing and modification of the business strategy. The IT world has been buzzing for awhile (we’ve written TONS on these topics), talking about how social media, mobility and cloud applications are changing the way organizations conduct business. But how do these popular advancements impact your business continuity solution? Not sure? Here’s some great insight. 

Software as a Service (SaaS)

Software as a service is becoming more and more popular for SMBs that can’t afford to shell out the money for proprietary application development. With these applications hosted entirely in the cloud, executives might write off the need for inclusion in the business continuity process, but the truth is that that the disaster recovery strategies of every SaaS provider should be audited carefully to understand what lengths they’re taking to protect an organization’s data. It will take a certain amount of technical knowledge to properly assess these disaster recovery processes and determine if they’re appropriate measures for a business to become a subscriber. 

Mobile Devices and BYOD


Rather than adding complication to the process, mobile devices actually add a certain level of flexibility. With new continuous communication and VoIP services allowing you to install applications on your phone and mobile file access becoming more popular on tablets and smartphones – this is a no-brainer to work with disaster recovery and business continuity. Rather than being so reliant on the office in the event of a hurricane, flood, fire or other disaster, the flexibility of mobile brings piece of mind, making this particular technology invaluable for business continuity strategies.

Social Media

A weird one, maybe, but social media can be invaluable for business continuity. By taking the time to understand which social media platform is most used by employees, you can easily identify the best way to keep in touch in the event of a disaster. Facebook messages, Twitter, SnapChat and even Instagram can be viable options, but be aware that this can present security concerns and reputation issues and should be closely examined by a business continuity expert before employing.

New technologies, millennials, and a different approach to work/life balance are changing the way that organizations do business every day. As we evolve our business processes, we must also evolve our approach to how we handle crisis and disaster recovery. A business continuity solution should be up to date in order to serve you in the best possible way. 

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