3 Big Data Technologies That Are Reshaping Digital Marketing

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The digital marketing space is continually evolving, and new technologies are shaping this change. Big data has had a tremendous effect on the profession. All marketers should try to understand the impact of big data and find ways to incorporate this technology into their business models.

The Growing Role of Big Data in Digital Marketing

In 2017, Karola Karlson wrote a very interesting article for the Content Marketing Institute. She discussed the growing role of AI and big data in the marketing profession. She made some ingenious observations, but even she would probably be surprised to see how quickly this new technology has changed the field.

Whether you are trying to set up a business website, create business emails, or engage with your fans on Facebook and other social media platforms, you should be on your toes because change comes fast. Big data has caused the profession to change even more rapidly in recent years.

Big data technologies, tools, and techniques emerge every day. To survive this turbulence, you need to keep up with the trends and up your digital marketing game. You cannot afford to slack off. Otherwise, you will end up losing ground on your competitors. Seek insights from a reputable marketing consulting agency just to be sure you’re doing everything right.

Here are innovative and evolving technologies that will revolutionize the future of digital marketing.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

You may be surprised to know that robots have set a new standard in the arena of online marketing. AI is set to become an integral component of digital marketing strategy. It possesses the ability to successfully analyze consumer behavior for a more personalized and interactive purchase experience.

Though it is still in its infancy, you can see what AI does for marketers. For instance, the concept is being used in self-driving cars, smartphones, computers, and other devices. Netflix and Amazon already have some inbuilt artificial intelligence features to help generate recommendations and help consumers handle various transactions. In the future, this concept will continue to take root in the digital marketing space many years to come.

Netflix and Amazon already have some inbuilt artificial intelligence features to help generate recommendations and help consumers handle various transactions.

2. Voice Search

With Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, and Cortana, the popularity of voice search cannot be overlooked. As consumers continue to adapt to these AI-driven assistants, marketers must incorporate the right voice search speech recognition elements in the brand-building strategy. Personal assistants are likely to improve further and will eventually evolve to a point where they can offer more customized services based on the consumer’s behavior.

Are you skeptical of the benefits of voice search technology in marketing? Street Fight Magazine has highlighted several prominent brands that are already seeing major results with it. Purina, Esteé Lauder, Burger King and Domino’s are four major companies that have demonstrated its benefits.

Also, in the future, we will see a unique collaboration between mobile devices, where various appliances that are manufactured by different corporations will be able to exchange information. So, what does this mean for strategists, marketers, and software development companies? First, keep up with the changing voice search environment and focus on long-tail keywords.

3. Micro-moment marketing

This marketing concept is based on consumer behavior towards purchasing. Most consumers are using smartphones, tablets, iPads, and other handheld devices for their research. And most consumers don’t want ads. It is this small window where the consumer will purchase that online marketers should look out for.

To meet the needs of this new type of consumer, user engagement, and brand visibility will have to change. Indeed, marketers will have to implement single-touch offerings to ensure that they don’t lose the customer.

Big Data is Changing the Future of Digital Marketing Forever

Online marketers must keep up with the evolving technology and trends mentioned here. Besides, they must understand that the digital marketing world is changing very fast, and incorporating these trends and techs in their marketing strategies is essential to the growth of their companies. Lastly, constant learning and testing new approaches are the route to take if you want to accommodate new technology.

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