Decisioning in Volatile Times—Probability, Intuition or Inaction?

1 Min Read

No doubt, we live in volatile times. The complexity, interconnectedness and intricacy of global markets is causing executives around the globe to check decisions once, twice and even delay important decisions because they cannot “peer around the corner.” Some executives are asking themselves, “What are the odds of…” to help make tough decisions. Others are saying, “We’re in a new paradigm,” and “the past is no longer relevant.”

How are you making

No doubt, we live in volatile times. The complexity, interconnectedness and intricacy of global markets is causing executives around the globe to check decisions once, twice and even delay important decisions because they cannot “peer around the corner.” Some executives are asking themselves, “What are the odds of…” to help make tough decisions. Others are saying, “We’re in a new paradigm,” and “the past is no longer relevant.”

How are you making critical decisions? read more
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