Using Data Analytics to Create a Great Employee Gifting Strategy

Data analytics is very useful for improving your employee gift giving strategies to get optimal results.

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Data analytics has helped countless companies develop better employee management strategies. They can use data analytics to boost employee morale, lift productivity and minimize turnover. There are also a lot of AI employee monitoring tools that have proven to be very successful.

One way that big data can help boost employee morale is by coming up with an ideal gifting strategy. Gifts can go a long way towards showing employees that you care. However, it is necessary to match the right gifts with the right employees and know what works.

We will cover the importance of employee gift-giving and the reasons data analytics can be helpful.

Why is Data Analytics Helpful for Employee Gift-Giving Strategies?

We will talk in detail about the benefits of having an employee gift-giving strategy later in this post. However, we feel it is prudent to start off discussing the benefits of using big data to assist with it.

Using a gift-giving strategy built on data analytics is a great way to bolster employee retention. Here are some benefits of this strategy:

  • You can use predictive analytics tools to track trends and figure out what types of products will be more popular in the future. This helps you make sure that the gifts that you are getting for employees will be appreciated.
  • You can use data analytics to assess the overall effectiveness of your gifting strategy. You can evaluate data see the impact that it has on key metrics such as retention, productivity and engagement.
  • You can use data analytics to create personalization strategies to make sure that the gifts that you purchase appeal to the specific employees that you are buying them for.

Data analytics can be very helpful with your gift giving strategy. You need to utilize it if you want to get the resuls that you are looking for.

What Are the Specific Benefits of a Gift-Giving Strategy Predicated on Data Analytics

Promotional items are considered the most effective form of advertising, and the one most welcomed by consumers. Customers appreciate getting a free gift from a brand, and they’ll often remember that brand messaging for years afterward. But promotional items aren’t just for customers and clients.

You can also give your employees promotional gifts to show appreciation for a job well done. Promotional employee gifts can boost morale, strengthen your relationship with your employees, and bring your company many of the promotional benefits of giving these gifts away to customers. For employee gifts especially, personalizing your items is a great touch.

You can derive a lot of benefits by using big data to improve your gift-giving strategies for employees. Some of these benefits are listed below.

Boost Morale

Your employees are dealing with a lot of stress, and you would be surprised how much a token of appreciation can help with keeping morale high. Often, people just need to feel recognized for their hard work. Branded employee gifts can provide that sense of recognition, that feeling that your efforts are valued. Even a relatively inexpensive gift can keep motivation up and reduce employee turnover. Something practical and personalized is usually the best bet.

This is something that can be measured with data analytics. You can keep track of employee sentiments with data analytics software and see how they have changed after the gift giving approach was developed.

Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Employees

The employee-employer relationship is the bedrock on which your company is built. You need to do everything you can to strengthen that relationship so that your employees stay dedicated to your success and motivated to help you succeed. Corporate gifts make a great extra reward to make employees feel valued.

Don’t fall into the habit of only giving corporate gifts at the holidays. Employees expect gifts at the holidays, and that’s fine, but an unexpected gift at another time of the year can really make an impact. Try giving employee gifts on birthdays, or to celebrate departmental milestones or project goals. The surprise and delight employees will experience when receiving an unexpected gift will grow their favorable feelings toward the company. Employees will be happy, comfortable, and more willing and able to bring a positive, productive attitude to their work.

You can also use data analytics to see how employees feel about your company. You should compare their sentiments before and after the gifting strategy was developed.

Add a Personal Touch

Some employees will recognize that a branded item is an advertisement as well as a practical gift. Some might say that an item merely branded with the company marketing message isn’t much of a gift. Adding some personalization to the item shows that it is a true gift.

Not to mention, as employees of the company, staff should have access to elite branded merchandise that isn’t available to customers and clients. You can’t give personalized promotional items to most customers — it makes sense only to give them to employees with whom you have a relationship, and about whom you know enough to personalize the gifts in a meaningful way. Adding the employee’s name is an easy way to personalize employee gifts, but it’s not the only way. You can also personalize gifts based on how well a team or individual performed, what an individual’s interests or hobbies are, or even something that an employee has mentioned needing, like a USB thumb drive, an umbrella, or a stapler. You can’t go wrong when you customize one of the most popular promotional gifts, like tumblers and mugs — custom tumblers, for example, are both useful and thoughtful, and since they’re something most employees will feel the need to buy for themselves anyway, staff will appreciate saving some of their own hard-earned money.

Promote Your Brand

We have talked a lot about the use of big data in branding in the past. This is often discussed in the context of using big data for digital marketing, but it can also apply to offline branding strategies such as gift giving.

Of course, just because you’re giving promotional gifts to your employees and not to customers and clients doesn’t mean that you aren’t going to benefit from the exposure your brand messaging will get when your employee carries that item home, takes it with them while running errands, or posts about it on social media. You’ll still reap all the expected benefits of increased brand awareness, recognition, and loyalty when your employees take your custom gifts out into the world. Their families, friends, acquaintances, and even casual contacts in the community will all see your brand messaging, and they’ll be likely to remember it for some time.

Promotional employee gifts can be a great way to show your appreciation for your employees’ hard work, keep them motivated, and boost your brand recognition. Put a personal spin on gifts to delight your staff, and enjoy the benefits of increased productivity and more effective marketing.

Use Big Data to Optimize Your Employee Gift Giving Strategy

Big data has become an integral part of employee management. You can use big data to improve the effectiveness of your gift giving strategy. The guidelines listed here can be very helpful.

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