Solve Data Issues with Cloud Database Management Systems

9 Min Read

Setting up a fantastic and operational database is very easy nowadays. Technology has made this possible. There was a time when some databases were just ideas and the kind of content that is found in theories. However, now they can be created. Do you think that a decade ago people had any idea how cloud technology would take over the world of business as it has today? Cloud database are in no short supply all over the world. As a matter of fact everyone is talking about the cloud as if it is an everyday thing now.

Setting up a fantastic and operational database is very easy nowadays. Technology has made this possible. There was a time when some databases were just ideas and the kind of content that is found in theories. However, now they can be created. Do you think that a decade ago people had any idea how cloud technology would take over the world of business as it has today? Cloud database are in no short supply all over the world. As a matter of fact everyone is talking about the cloud as if it is an everyday thing now. This is because it has become the order of the day for a majority of business practitioners all across the globe.

In as much as setting up a cloud database is more like taking a walk in the park nowadays, data management has not become easier at all. There are just so many things that you will need to do in order to make sure that your data is as good as it possibly can be. This is easier said than done. Now that big data has landed on the scene, database management is nothing but a nightmare for many business owners.

Issues in data management

There are so many challenges that you are bound to face in the process of database management. One of the biggest challenges is the volume of the data. Big data is- well for lack of a better word- big. The large volumes of data coming in and requests that are made to the database can cause it to crash. This brings in another issue; the problems of storage.

Storage for data is always a problem that many businesses struggle with. There are those that are able to create data warehouses for their information but this is such a huge project to undertake because it will cost a fortune in the process. Luckily cloud technology has come in to save the day. You are able to store information in the cloud. There are the private clouds which are particular to a business or even an individual. They are also a bit costly to set up. Public clouds are for the information that is not so sensitive.

Even with really good storage facilities data organization and analysis can also be such problematic activities. There is a lot of semi-structured and unstructured data that is flowing into the database. The biggest source of this content is the mobile web. People live on their phones nowadays. When they are on their way to work in the morning, during lunch time and while stuck in traffic on their way home, they are found online. This generates a lot of data.

There are several cloud database management systems that have been developed for the purpose of storage and analysis of both relational and non-relational types of data. There are also the database administrators. Remote DBA services have become more common over the past few years. It is really easy to get in touch with someone who will watch over your database at all times even during the holidays. If you are looking for a DBA services expert then you should not have a problem getting them.

Best tool for database management

There is a lot of talk about NoSQL. This is a non-relational database management system. It is a system that was designed with big data in mind. The goal here is to handle the storage and retrieval of large amounts of data that lack a defined relationship. Data that is stored in a NoSQL database can be structured. One of the merits of this system is that it has a distributed, fault tolerant architecture and it guarantees eventual consistency only (not ACID). These are database terminologies that you really do not need to know about if you are just starting out.

There are so many enterprise-level cloud database services and products available for your selection. Selecting the best can be quite a task. However if you want to get the best NoSQL cloud database then you should consider the following factors such as:

1. Elasticity

This is the ability to add and subtract the physical or virtual machines (nodes) when the business and the underlying application demand for this. The adding and subtraction of nodes as a response to demands usually occurs on the fly so that there is no downtime that occurs.

2. Scalability

It is the elasticity of the database management system that makes it scaling out possible such that the database’ performance increases. In other words, the database is able to process large amounts of data in the same amount of time that it would take to process small volumes of data.

3. High availability

This is just another way of saying that there is should be as little downtime as possible. Businesses lose a lot of money because of downtime. Cloud databases have the best uptime because they are designed to provide easy data distribution and redundancy.

4. Lower cost

The elasticity and scalability of the cloud databases makes them cheaper. This is because cloud computing is based on a pay-as-you-go model. You will get to save a lot of money when you employ a cloud database.

Hire a remote DBA team

Hiring a remote DBA team is going to prove to be the best thing you could possibly do for your business. A remote DBA is going to watch over your database every single day. This means that even in the event that there is a database failure then they will be able to rectify the issue as soon as possible. This way you avoid losing money.


Cloud database management systems are the way to go. They solve a whole lot of data management issues for you. It does not matter whether you are having issues with storage or it is data analysis which has become the problem. With cloud database management systems you can have these problems sorted out very fast. It is always helpful to invest in a management system that is scalable, highly a

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