Six Simple Survey Opportunities to Drive Engagement

2 Min Read

There are endless opportunities to gather customer insight, feedback and strengthen relationships with your recipients – some of the most popular Survey Thresholds I would recommend are:

During the initial engagement or sign-up

The tell us what you think link (within each email & every transaction)

If they stopped in between – an abandoned cart, an incomplete booking, or a half-filled form

After a transaction – could be a call, a visit to your branch, a purchase, an inquiry…

Out of the Blue – 3/ 6/ 12 months into the marketing relationship

If they want to drop off your list

Once you collect this information, try to leverage it into your dialogue. Most businesses don’t even acknowledge the consumer who provided this additional insight. A sign up via email should receive an email thank you. Same thing with Facebook & Twitter – send a message, and try to personalize as much as possible.

Don’t treat your recipients like carbon copies – especially if they have provided you with information about themselves. The fastest way to engage your recipients in a dialogue is through the application of relevant personalization and preferences, the easiest way to gather that information is to survey your consumers at one or more points in the recipient communication lifecycle.

When your consumer joins you on your Facebook page, or signs up for your email program, or follows you on Twitter – don’t forget that they have invited you to converse with them!

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