Quick Strata update

2 Min Read

Strata has so far been an outstanding conference: the level of intensity and smart people to meet has just been amazing. Sadly, I haven’t had a chance to see nearly as many talks as I’d hoped — we’ve been swamped at the Revolution Analytics booth in the exhibition by from people wanting to learn more about R and Revolution.

Strata has so far been an outstanding conference: the level of intensity and smart people to meet has just been amazing. Sadly, I haven’t had a chance to see nearly as many talks as I’d hoped — we’ve been swamped at the Revolution Analytics booth in the exhibition by from people wanting to learn more about R and Revolution. Nonetheless, I’m pleased to have been able to catch up with a number of people from the R crowd, among them Drew Conway (Wikileaks), Mike Kane (bigmemory), Jonathan Seidman (Orbitz). I was also glad to have caught Hilary Mason’s entertaining keynote on What Data Tells us (video), and last night I managed to catch a couple of great talks on the practical application of Hadoop for on-line products (namely, LinkedIn) and on the Mahout project

The conference has been so successful, that O’Reilly has already announced a follow-up event in New York for September. Now, on to day 2…

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