Protecting the World with Big Data

6 Min Read

A multi-billion dollar entity, comprised of more than one million individuals with the power to influence the welfare of the world seems like an ideal setting for big data technology implementation.

A multi-billion dollar entity, comprised of more than one million individuals with the power to influence the welfare of the world seems like an ideal setting for big data technology implementation.

The United States military plays a critical role domestically and across the world. By preserving national and often times international safety, protecting national intelligence, assisting struggling nations abroad and employing millions of individuals, the military illustrates where and how big data can and should be utilized. For the military it’s not just about gathering big data either, but also finding ways to analyze and implement that data, while at the same time keeping it secure.


It’s hard to fathom how much data the military is collecting every minute. With numerous different missions being executed and troops scattered across the world, it’s obvious that the military has no problem collecting data. It does, however, face a bigger task when it comes to interpreting that data.

Even if the military were packed with the best and brightest data analysts, there would still be too much information, even for them, to handle and analyze.

Fortunately, with the implementation of software like Apache Hive, not only can the data be analyzed, but it can also be combined with previous military experience to provide the best and most practical applications for the different military branches.


The success of the military stems in large part from the men and women on the front lines who put their lives on the line day in and day out to preserve our freedoms and security. They are also the people who are most prone to significant injury — injuries that often affect the individual long after their service has ended.

As we noted here, big data is giving the military tools to better monitor its soldiers and provide optimal training and care to keep them healthier during and after their service. Increasing the health of troops not only increases military productivity, but it also saves millions of dollars and reduces hours and hours of discomfort.

The military is now implementing ways in which it can monitor its soldiers during and after training and then provide personalized care to keep them in optimal condition. This type of injury reduction can have an enormous positive impact on the economy and infrastructure of the United States.


An increasingly important aspect of big data database usage is the immediate, real-time help it provides for military personnel during missions and deployment.

Indeed, one of the most important aspects of big data technology, is allowing entities to make changes and corrections in real-time. Not only does this enhance the effectiveness of the mission, but it also increases the likelihood of safe return for those involved.

Along the same lines, software is also being developed to allow troops in different continents to collaborate with the incoming data on the spot.


Real-time implementation isn’t the only reason to gather and analyze the big data. Much of the information gathered won’t be applicable for the current mission, but will be vital for future missions and deployments. In the past not only has the information been difficult to store because of its size, but often it’s also been difficult to access. A large part of what programs like Apache Hive do, is gathering and storing the data for future use and making quick and easy to access.

The data gathered by the military is gold. Not all of it is going to play a critical role, but within these enormous amounts of data is information that will play a critical role to the future well-being of this country and the rest of the world. By harnessing this data, the military is taking the next step to our safety.


This type of big data implementation is making a huge difference in the world. It’s increasing the quality of life for millions, if not billions of individuals, while protecting our heritage and what so many have sacrificed so much for in the past. It’s also allowing us to remain at the top of the field and stay on par with what’s going on across the world.

Image Source: Wikimedia

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