How to Make Sure Your CRM Dashboards Are More Than Just Pretty Pictures [VIDEO]

3 Min Read

Dynamics CRM contains a lot of information that’s crucial to many people across different layers of any given organization. Sales people need customer overviews and opportunity pipelines, support staff need case management and activity information, marketing staff need campaign and response information, and other users need information on records, transactions and activities.

Dynamics CRM contains a lot of information that’s crucial to many people across different layers of any given organization. Sales people need customer overviews and opportunity pipelines, support staff need case management and activity information, marketing staff need campaign and response information, and other users need information on records, transactions and activities.

Most importantly, managers and executives need a top-down view with summarized data to make quick and informed decisions about the business and its direction.

The days of spending weeks on reports for a 360-degree view of your customers and service activities should be a thing of the past. Using a BI tool for Dynamics CRM means the hard work is done for you.

But with all the options for dashboards, table designs and multi-dimensional analytics, your data in CRM needs to be more than just pretty, static pictures. They need to serve a fundamental purpose and function that you understand and can execute upon with great ease.

This video below is a brief example of how interactive and easy the dashboards and reports can be. They’re built in a way that allows you to examine every facet of your data with confidence and clarity.

To get more general information about how to build your dashboards specifically, you may also want to check out this article on practical BI dashboard design.

ZAP BI brings additional power to Dynamics CRM and turns all of that data into powerful information. It enables the consumers of the information to ask questions of the data and get to the detail they need to make important business decisions. Don’t let your dashboards collect dust as pretty pictures on the wall. Make sure you’re using them to their fullest extent and tackling tough questions with a few clicks of your mouse.

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