How IoT Impacts Business Strategy

5 Min Read

The Internet of Things (IoT) hasn’t fully arrived yet, but it’s well on its way. Indeed, now more than ever before companies and individuals are connected to the web in a host of different ways. Whether it’s through traditional means, i.e. smartphone, tablet, computer or through non-traditional means, i.e. appliances, cars, homes, etc., there is a strong force behind IoT growth.

The Internet of Things (IoT) hasn’t fully arrived yet, but it’s well on its way. Indeed, now more than ever before companies and individuals are connected to the web in a host of different ways. Whether it’s through traditional means, i.e. smartphone, tablet, computer or through non-traditional means, i.e. appliances, cars, homes, etc., there is a strong force behind IoT growth.

While IoT is growing significantly, generally there’s also significant resistance to it because of costs, implementation, uncertainty and other factors. Unfortunately, that resistance is ultimately going to be a great hinderance for companies.

If one thing is certain, it’s that IoT is happening and will continue with even greater speed. If companies want to be ahead of the competition, they need to get going with IoT. Especially because of how much IoT and big data technology go hand in hand. “Smart devices” that generate and collect sensor data will contribute significantly to the growing volume of big data. 

As more and more companies make the move, business strategy is going to be highly affected, here’s how.

1. Necessity of Big Data

Even today, with the amazing technology and ability provided by big data at more affordable costs, companies resist the move. For one reason or another, they don’t feel they need to implement a big data platform right now. While that’s certainly going to keep their business from reaching its full potential in the long run, currently it’s a viable option.

However, as IoT becomes more and more integrated into businesses, there’s no way they’ll be able to keep away from big data. Why? There will be too much data. The speed with which data is being created today is amazing, and it keeps rising. Companies won’t be able to operate and handle data without using big data. Why not implement it now and be ahead of the curve instead of waiting and falling behind?

2. Security

Cyber security is absolutely essential with IoT. With nearly everything online, there is a certain vulnerability that comes with it that must be protected against. As IoT becomes more and more integrated, cyber security is going to receive more attention and be better implemented. Currently, there is too little emphasis on cyber security. That much is obvious with all the different security breaches we’ve seen recently. As IoT continues however, companies will realize (hopefully) that if they want to stay in business, keeping data safe should be a top priority.

3. Cloud Computing

As the IoT goes, so too does cloud computing. More growth from IoT is going to lead to more growth in cloud computing — both on the business level and the big data level. With so much information, it’s going to be easier than ever for companies to go the way of the cloud. It simplifies the process and enhances portability and flexibility. It also means we’ll see a rise in cloud providers, cloud services and a decrease in cloud prices.

4. Communication

Communication is key to any successful enterprise. With all the tools provided with IoT, it’s easier to communicate  and companies are going to find unique and innovative ways to take these levels of communication to the next level. At the same time that communication is increasing and improving so too should collaboration. With tools that allow team members to reach each other whenever they need, businesses should be able to get things done quicker and more efficiently than ever.

Business strategy is constantly evolving and changing and with the increase in IoT, those changes are going to be more evident than ever and are going to have a far-reaching effect.

By embracing rather than discouraging IoT, companies can begin today to make the best of what the internet offers and get an important step ahead of the competition.

Image Source: Pixabay


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