Data-Driven Facts for Better Blogging

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While it’s easy for businesses to look at blogging as a rudimentary form of marketing that’s more of a necessary evil than anything else, it can actually be very scientific in nature. Blogging can and should be driven by data. The sooner you realize this, the quicker you’ll be able to enjoy a positive return on your blogging investment.

Here are a few data-driven facts and strategies to keep in mind:

1. Loss Aversion Rules

The theory of loss aversion once again proves the peculiarity of the human brain. It says that people care much more about hanging onto something than they do about gaining something. Specifically, people are 2.5 times more likely to do something in order to avoid losing their money as they are to take action to earn more money.

“Loss aversion is an innate flaw rooted in the emotional brain,” one blogger explains. “When facing a situation where loss seems imminent we experience strong negative emotions which compel us to make irrational decisions to try and avoid the loss at almost all costs.” As a blogger, you should be leveraging this concept and using it to your advantage in ethical ways.

2. Never Write Without Researching

Under no circumstances should you ever write without first researching the topic and finding data that points to back your statements. Neil Patel, arguably one of the most successful bloggers of all time, firmly believes in keyword research.

When you have data as your foundation, you suddenly become more confident in your writing and aren’t afraid to make bold statements. Numbers also give your words more credibility and allow you to forge stronger relationships with readers.

3. Social Proof is Powerful

Social proof is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal. As marketer, Ed Hallen says, “Social proof is the concept that people will conform to the actions of others under the assumption that those actions are reflective of correct behavior.”

One piece of data that you need to understand is that 63 percent of customers are more likely to make a purchase from a website that has user reviews on it. Another relevant data point is that consumer reviews are nearly 12-times more trusted than manufacturer descriptions. All of that to say this: Don’t rely wholly on your own blogging. You also need to find and publish unbiased consumer reviews.

4. Your Expertise is Convincing

Studies continue to show that authority and expertise are two things customers across all industries seek in companies they purchase from. This is why nurses follow their physician’s advice 95 percent of the time, even when they know it’s incorrect. Position yourself as an authority figure with your blog and people will do what you say.

5. Images Always Trump Text

Did you know that images are up to six times more effective than text? This is why the most popular blog posts on the internet overwhelmingly contain multiple images. If you’re publishing blog posts that (a) only have one header image or (b) contain no images, then you’re missing out on a chance to capitalize on the human brain’s affinity for visual content.

For best results, use one image for every 300 to 350 words of text. It’s also best to avoid using stock photos and instead opt for original photography. It takes a little more work to use original images, but the payoff is tremendous.

Drive Your Blogging With Better Data

When it comes to blogging, you have two choices. You can either let your emotions and subjective opinions drive your strategy, or you can take an objective viewpoint that prioritizes truths that are based on data. If you do the latter, you’ll enjoy a much better return.

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