3 Ways Automation Tools Use Big Data To Drive Business Growth

6 Min Read

Do you struggle with managing the amount of data available about customers? Do the tools you use create more work than help? If so, one reason could be that you are not using automation.

You and your team are trying to do far too much, when software could carry out a lot of the heavy lifting, freeing you up to concentrate your talents on where they are needed most. Automation tools are becoming more and more sophisticated by utilizing business rules, machine learning and even artificial intelligence to carry out tasks that once needed people.

Combine these intelligent tools with large sets of data and you have a business growth powerhouse.

3 Marketing Automation Tools to Use for Your Next Digital Campaign

While automation is important, it is impossible without the right tools. Below, we have highlighted three of the best options for three important facets of your business growth.

1. HubSpot to Handle Your Emails

HubSpot has made a name for itself as an inbound marketing software company largely by educating the masses, especially companies that are new to the concept and need help evolving from outbound methods.

In the past all your customer data lived in disperate systems that had a hard time working together. As the amount of data grew, this became a big challenge for businesses. In stepped Hubspot who brought all customer data under one roof.

Hubspot has grown to become an all in one marketing automation platforms that allows marketers to manage large customer data sets through social media marketing, landing page deployment, content curation and email automation. By integrating Hubspot with third party business tools like Salesforce CRM and Shopify eCommerce, marketers can gather customer data in order to send personalized marketing messages across all marketing channels.

2. MeetEdgar to Leverage Social Media Posts

There is no lack of social media automation tools on the market right now. Most of them give users an easy way to schedule their posts ahead of time so they do not have do it manually throughout the week.

MeetEdgar does this, too. What sets it apart is that you can create a posting schedule and MeetEdgar will fill it in with past content if you do not have something new that is ready to go.

But followers will get sick of seeing the same thing, right?The short answer is “no.”

When Garrett Moon at CoSchedule used a posting schedule to do the same thing, he reported more exposure per blog post and zero complaints for the practice. In fact, across all three platforms he tested – Twitter, Facebook and Google+ – his content received more than twice as many clicks by sharing it three times over two weeks.

3. Workfront for Bridging the Gap Between Marketing and Sales

While the two tools above are fantastic, your marketing efforts will not mean much if you cannot turn them into sales. Unfortunately, sales and marketing teams often clash.

One reason for this is a breakdown in communication. Each side has their own goals, even when they are working on the same project. This is because each have their own set of tasks and separate teams striving to meet specific goals.

The data gathered from Marketing and Sales teams are not shared in most companies which means one team doesn’t know how things are ultimately working with the other team. Without a centralized tool to efficiently share success metrics, teams can’t effectively optimize what they’re doing.

It takes tools like Workfront to bring these sometimes disparate teams together towards a common goals of driving business growth. Workfront is a holistic project management system that spans across different teams within an organization to keep tasks aligned, on time and driving towards company goals.

Internal marketing teams can deliver assets on time and drive new business leads into the sales team’s pipeline all while receiving feedback about how they are performing. This constant flow of communication back and forth createsa centralized solution to delivery better results for both team.

Successful Businesses Demand Big Data and Automation Work Together

Big data is being increasingly used in marketing and sales efforts. Businesses are combining this with all kinds of automation platforms to more intelligently market to customers and manage internal staff for significant productivity increases.

Use the tools we covered above and you will not only save time and money, but you will find that your bottom line expands as well.

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