6 Must-See Usability Testing Videos

2 Min Read


Usability testing. Some people love it, some hate it, many don’t get it. Personally, I think they are the best thing anyone can do to learn from their users. In the same time, they are emotionally exhausting for moderators.

Here are 6 usability testing videos I love. Four serious ones, two not so much.

1: An intro to usability testing by Amberlight Partners (3:15 minutes)



Usability testing. Some people love it, some hate it, many don’t get it. Personally, I think they are the best thing anyone can do to learn from their users. In the same time, they are emotionally exhausting for moderators.

Here are 6 usability testing videos I love. Four serious ones, two not so much.

1: An intro to usability testing by Amberlight Partners (3:15 minutes)


2: Jenn Downs on guerrilla usability testing at Mailchimp as well as a participant’s perspective (3:26 minutes)


3: Usability testing with a young child using a paper prototype (7:41 minutes)


4: Steve Krug’s usability testing demo (24:27 minutes)


Now for the less serious, yet hilarious ones…

5: Usability testing of fruit by blinkux (4:19 minutes)


6: Behind the one-way mirror: what if you have had such a participant? (2:10 minutes)


Know more cool, useful, funny usability testing videos?

The post 6 Must-See Usability Testing Videos appeared first on The Usabilla Blog.

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