5 Reasons SOA Grew Faster Than Expected Last Year

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Summary: The SOA market grew by 38% last year. Here are 5 reasons why that happened.

E.G. Nadhan at HP picked up on my recent post on the SOA market’s sudden and unexpected burst of growth, and offers an explanation why the practice keeps growing, though invisible or behind the scenes for many people.

Summary: The SOA market grew by 38% last year. Here are 5 reasons why that happened.

E.G. Nadhan at HP picked up on my recent post on the SOA market’s sudden and unexpected burst of growth, and offers an explanation why the practice keeps growing, though invisible or behind the scenes for many people.

It boils down to the 5 As, he says:

1. Architecture. SOA is the foundation of enterprise architecture (EA) at large.

2. Application. SOA has freed integration mechanisms from proprietary formats and legacy platforms.

3. Availability. A Web service can be generated or called 24×7.

4. Alignment. Since SOA is about trasnforming and enabling the business, it has significantly advanced business-IT alignment.

5. Adoption. SOA has served as the cornerstone for new paradigms like cloud computing.

(Photo: Joe McKendrick.)


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