NoSQL overview for all us “SQL” folks

2 Min Read

Brian Aker of MySQL fame gave a 10 minute lighting talk about about the NoSQL movement at the Nov 2009 OpenSQLCamp in Portland, OR.

If you have not heard the term NoSQL, you might want to peruse these articles first to catch up on the lingo:

NoSQL on Wikipedia

MapReduce on Wikipedia

ACID on Wikipedia

And just so that you know, NoSQL isn’t really about SQL, but about non-relational databases.

Brian Aker on NoSQL

If you’d like to see the slides better, they are available here:

As I hear more about NoSQL, I know that there are some great thoughts there, for certain types of data storage needs. So I’m not anti-NoSQL (I believe that’s a double negative)…

Brian Aker of MySQL fame gave a 10 minute lighting talk about about the NoSQL movement at the Nov 2009 OpenSQLCamp in Portland, OR.

If you have not heard the term NoSQL, you might want to peruse these articles first to catch up on the lingo:

NoSQL on Wikipedia

MapReduce on Wikipedia

ACID on Wikipedia

And just so that you know, NoSQL isn’t really about SQL, but about non-relational databases.

Brian Aker on NoSQL

If you’d like to see the slides better, they are available here:

As I hear more about NoSQL, I know that there are some great thoughts there, for certain types of data storage needs. So I’m not anti-NoSQL (I believe that’s a double negative). I’m hoping to chat about NoSQL ideas at Enterprise Data World next week.

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