The R Journal – A Refereed Journal for the R Project Launches

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The R project, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, now features a peer-reviewed journal.

The R newsletter has been transformed into The R Journal, a refereed journal for articles covering topics that are of interest to users or developers of R. The first issue is now available online. As a sign of the open source R project gaining significant momentum, The R Journal intends to reach a wide audience with high-quality papers that are focused on R.

As a supporter of the R PMML Package (see blog and video tutorial), Zementis is honored that our article “PMML: An Open Standard for Sharing Models” has been selected by the editorial board to be published as part of the inaugural issue.

While our article emphasizes the importance of the Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) standard, other contributed research papers address a wide range of topics including graphics and parallel computing. Of more general interest are the invited articles on “The Future of R” which provide the reader with an overview of R’s programming model and R-Forge, a central, collaborative platform for the development of R packages…

The R project, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, now features a peer-reviewed journal.

The R newsletter has been transformed into The R Journal, a refereed journal for articles covering topics that are of interest to users or developers of R. The first issue is now available online. As a sign of the open source R project gaining significant momentum, The R Journal intends to reach a wide audience with high-quality papers that are focused on R.

As a supporter of the R PMML Package (see blog and video tutorial), Zementis is honored that our article “PMML: An Open Standard for Sharing Models” has been selected by the editorial board to be published as part of the inaugural issue.

While our article emphasizes the importance of the Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) standard, other contributed research papers address a wide range of topics including graphics and parallel computing. Of more general interest are the invited articles on “The Future of R” which provide the reader with an overview of R’s programming model and R-Forge, a central, collaborative platform for the development of R packages.

Following the feature in the New York Times in early 2009, this is yet another significant milestone for R.

Comprehensive blog featuring topics related to predictive analytics with an emphasis on open standards, Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML), cloud computing, as well as the deployment and integration of predictive models in any business process.

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