Beyond Analytics

3 Min Read

Let’s argue the opposite application of yesterday’s post

The closing section of the Website Magazine article, Searching Behind the Curtain, talked about how to apply analytics to alternate mediums, here’s an excerpt:

Use what you learn online through your marketing and post-Web analytics strategy to inform offline campaigns. What works well in email might also work with direct mail. Successful online video spots can be expanded into television ads. Do you get a lot of clicks on a particular banner ad? That eye-catching ad might make a good billboard or print advertisement.

These few lines communicate so much – first stressing the importance of using your electronic mediums as the litmus for the more expensive mediums. A quick viral video could be the best test for your commercials; effective emails could generate effective direct mail and at the same time predict the success.

Secondly this excerpt fuels the need for a multi-channel marketing existence powered by the analytics you use on a daily basis. It stresses the need to do more than simply apply the results of one email campaign to the next email campaign – think big picture, look at what your numbers are telling you and challen

Let’s argue the opposite application of yesterday’s post

The closing section of the Website Magazine article, Searching Behind the Curtain, talked about how to apply analytics to alternate mediums, here’s an excerpt:

Use what you learn online through your marketing and post-Web analytics strategy to inform offline campaigns. What works well in email might also work with direct mail. Successful online video spots can be expanded into television ads. Do you get a lot of clicks on a particular banner ad? That eye-catching ad might make a good billboard or print advertisement.

These few lines communicate so much – first stressing the importance of using your electronic mediums as the litmus for the more expensive mediums. A quick viral video could be the best test for your commercials; effective emails could generate effective direct mail and at the same time predict the success.

Secondly this excerpt fuels the need for a multi-channel marketing existence powered by the analytics you use on a daily basis. It stresses the need to do more than simply apply the results of one email campaign to the next email campaign – think big picture, look at what your numbers are telling you and challenge yourself to make them so much more.

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