It’s pretty much what you’re thinking about right…

2 Min Read

It’s pretty much what you’re thinking about right now: A computer program that, like the computers from a science-fiction movie, answers with the right facts when you ask it—think Hal 9000, or even KITT from Knight Rider. Wolfram is calling the technology a “computational knowledge engine” and it’s designed to answer questions like “What’s the 200th number in Pi?” and “What phase is the moon in right now?” (via Is Wolfram Alpha The Next Big Thing in Web Search? | Fast Company)

It’s pretty much what you’re thinking about right now: A computer program that, like the computers from a science-fiction movie, answers with the right facts when you ask it—think Hal 9000, or even KITT from Knight Rider. Wolfram is calling the technology a “computational knowledge engine” and it’s designed to answer questions like “What’s the 200th number in Pi?” and “What phase is the moon in right now?” (via Is Wolfram Alpha The Next Big Thing in Web Search? | Fast Company)
The Smarter Planet tumblelog is an outgrowth of IBM’s strategic initiative to help a world of smart systems emerge.

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