Gen Y Won’t Jump the Facebook Ship Just Yet

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In this weeks AdAge article “Marketers Adapt as Social Networks Attract Older Users” Michael Learmonth mentioned one of Anderson AnalyticsGenX2Z study findings that Facebook overtook Myspace as the number one website among college students two years ago, pointed to the fact that Facebook’s fastest growing demographic is now the 35+ set and wondered whether this may cause Facebook to get less cool among Gen Y. 

First, Facebook took first place among youth because it fit their lifestyle. It was the Killer App, better than MySpace. Many College students we speak to say, sure I have a MySpace account, but I haven’t been there in months, but why delete it. So MySpace user numbers are probably more inflated among the Gen Y demographic than we think. 

In regard to Facebook growth among the older demographic, this makes perfect sense as Facebook already has >70% penetration among the younger cohort.  Facebook happens to be the killer app for casual networking not just among Gen Y, but among most groups other than professionals (why would soccer moms have interest in LinkedIn?). That’s why Facebook is catching on among older age groups and will soon overtake MySpace there as well. 

As for t

In this weeks AdAge article “Marketers Adapt as Social Networks Attract Older Users” Michael Learmonth mentioned one of Anderson AnalyticsGenX2Z study findings that Facebook overtook Myspace as the number one website among college students two years ago, pointed to the fact that Facebook’s fastest growing demographic is now the 35+ set and wondered whether this may cause Facebook to get less cool among Gen Y. 

First, Facebook took first place among youth because it fit their lifestyle. It was the Killer App, better than MySpace. Many College students we speak to say, sure I have a MySpace account, but I haven’t been there in months, but why delete it. So MySpace user numbers are probably more inflated among the Gen Y demographic than we think. 

In regard to Facebook growth among the older demographic, this makes perfect sense as Facebook already has >70% penetration among the younger cohort.  Facebook happens to be the killer app for casual networking not just among Gen Y, but among most groups other than professionals (why would soccer moms have interest in LinkedIn?). That’s why Facebook is catching on among older age groups and will soon overtake MySpace there as well. 

As for the youth, sure, it can become un-cool to have your mom connected to you and see what all your friends are saying. Daughters are scrambling to un-friend their moms as I write this. However, Facebook will remain popular with Gen Y till a better application comes along. When it does of course, if it fits Gen Y’s needs, they will again be first to switch. But only if it offers something more.

Link to original postTom H. C. Anderson – Anderson Analytics

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