The Making of an Analyst: A Supplement to What Makes a Good Business Analyst

2 Min Read
I once commented the entry, What Makes a Good Business Analyst by Rajan Chandras, with an easy tone, If You Can Make it Here, You Can Make it Anywhere. The standards of a good analyst conclude by Rajan, in my opinion, are somewhat of very high bars.

In the recent SASCOM Magazine, Ted Cuzzillo published a relatively moderate enty, say, The Making of An Analyst. This paper is considered the fresh graduates to be an analysts in their first job hunting. Yes, there two posts are more compatible than oppositive. Rajan’s targets are those veteran analysts with years of experience.

I once commented the entry, What Makes a Good Business Analyst by Rajan Chandras, with an easy tone, If You Can Make it Here, You Can Make it Anywhere. The standards of a good analyst conclude by Rajan, in my opinion, are somewhat of very high bars.

In the recent SASCOM Magazine, Ted Cuzzillo published a relatively moderate enty, say, The Making of An Analyst. This paper is considered the fresh graduates to be an analysts in their first job hunting. Yes, there two posts are more compatible than oppositive. Rajan’s targets are those veteran analysts with years of experience.

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