Electronic Vision

1 Min Read

Second Sight Medical Products has developed Argus Two, a sophisticated eye-implant device with an array of 60 electrodes, providing a much sharper image to its users than its earlier device, Argus One, with 16 electrodes, creating a 4 by 4 pattern of light and dark spots. Argus Two consists of a tiny camera mounted on a pair of dark glasses and a hip-mounted microprocessor, produced for the U.S. Energy Department’s Artificial Retina Project.

Second Sight Medical Products has developed Argus Two, a sophisticated eye-implant device with an array of 60 electrodes, providing a much sharper image to its users than its earlier device, Argus One, with 16 electrodes, creating a 4 by 4 pattern of light and dark spots. Argus Two consists of a tiny camera mounted on a pair of dark glasses and a hip-mounted microprocessor, produced for the U.S. Energy Department’s Artificial Retina Project.
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