Brain Boosters – Accepted in the Workplace?

1 Min Read

Cognitive enhancement drugs such as Ritalin are routinely used in an “off label” manner by students, doctors and other professionals to increase memory and concentration. And while the use of any medication—especially for off label purposes should be strongly cautioned—some experts are now saying cognitive enhancement drugs are no more dangerous than a cup of coffee.

In a tough global economy, where business executives are always looking for an e

Cognitive enhancement drugs such as Ritalin are routinely used in an “off label” manner by students, doctors and other professionals to increase memory and concentration. And while the use of any medication—especially for off label purposes should be strongly cautioned—some experts are now saying cognitive enhancement drugs are no more dangerous than a cup of coffee.

In a tough global economy, where business executives are always looking for an edge, should brain drugs be permitted in the workplace? read more
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