Semantic Search Wikipedia Entry: Needs Help

2 Min Read

I haven’t written a community post in a while, but I thought that, with everyone getting into the Thanksgiving spirit, perhaps someone might be inspired to give to a Wikipedia entry in need. I’m talking about the semantic search entry, which–as the talk page notes–needs work.

As I told Ron Miller in my recent one-on-one with him:

Semantic search means different things to different people, but broadly falls into two categories: Using linguistic and

I haven’t written a community post in a while, but I thought that, with everyone getting into the Thanksgiving spirit, perhaps someone might be inspired to give to a Wikipedia entry in need. I’m talking about the semantic search entry, which–as the talk page notes–needs work.

As I told Ron Miller in my recent one-on-one with him:

Semantic search means different things to different people, but broadly falls into two categories: Using linguistic and statistical approaches to derive meaning from unstructured text, using semantic web approaches to represent meaning in content and query structure.

Perhaps someone here could reorganize the Wikipedia entry along these lines?

Or, if you don’t feel sufficiently expert on semantic search to rework the content, perhaps you could help despam the entry, following the example of what I did for the enterprise search entry. I moved the vendors to a separate entry and culled vendors that didn’t have their own Wikipedia entries (which is the accepted “notability” standard).

I know that editing Wikipedia entries is a thankless job. But someone has to do it. And if folks like us don’t then these pages often are overrun by spammers. Think of this as a small contribution to global knowledge management. At the very least, you’ll have my thanks.

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